Friday, July 31, 2015
There is something seriously wrong with this picture!!! #notamorningperson #notagrumpeither #serving #missionarylife #sleepalludesme #servicewithasmile #plusdroopyeyes
Thursday, July 30, 2015
If you haven't liked my missionary page, Sheril's Mexican Adventure, you need to! There may be a sneak peek at a certain worship sesh video. For exclusives make sure you like that page!
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Oh, you know, just having a little worship sesh with David Crowder! No big deal! #southerngospel #bluegrass #DavidCrowder #inMexico #ThisIsMyJob #AndMyLife #MichaelWSmithlastyear #ywamsdb #ywam #perksofbeingamissionary #missionarylife #SherilsMexicanAdventure
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Whoop, whoop!! #praiseGodfromWhomallblessingsflow #missionarylife #SherilsMexicanAdventure
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When your teacher catches you with your phone in class!! #gottastayconnected #trauma #firstworldproblems
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Are you a math teacher looking for a job?? Tuscaloosa, AL might be your answer!!
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Monday, July 27, 2015
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Totally just snapped my glasses in half! Right before our really big fundraising event. #perfectTiming #legallyblind #cantseemorethanblobs
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Who wants to buy me one of these bags? They are only $79 (plus tax & shipping) and would be a GREAT addition to my Young Living Essential Oils business that I'm working on. (No worries, this is in compliment to full-time missions, I'm not going anywhere). People have said that they are approached by people all the time asking about the oils and have sold oils & kits simply because people can see the product. *Photo "borrowed" from Sarah Taylor.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Mailing out postcards! Who wamts to be my #penpal?? Msg me your mailing address ASAP! #missionarylife #SherilsMexicanAdventure
This totally applies to pentecostal pastors too. That's how my grandfather gets when we really gets going. And don't get me started on old school campmeeting, am I right, Church of God peeps?!?! #COG #churchofmyGod #metrocog #churchofGod #ClevelandnotAnderson
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If you missed my class last night or you would like more information about Young Living or Essential Oils, join us for a facebook class on the Four Pillars of Health. We will be discussing Structure, Environment, Nutrition and Emotions and how Young Living Essential Oils align with these pillars and support you, your family and friends for maximized health and wellness. Let me know if you'd like to join us Monday Night 7 CST/5 PST. If you can't join us live from your home, you can still go back & view the videos and information later, just choose GOING so you'll still have access.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
About to watch Jurassic World. I'm already scare do! #memories #holdme #anybody #Bueller #isthisthingon
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Friday, July 24, 2015
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Trisha Novotny & Steve Novotny, not sure if you guys have heard this song before?? HEHEHE!!! Maybe Nate Novotny can give you a private concert!!
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All of this was inside that box!! I am so overwhelmed by the love of God & his provision through people like Beth Green!!! #praiseGodthroughwhomallblessingsflow #ImspoiledbymyHeavenlyFather #MissionaryLife #SherilsMexicanAdventure
Look what I got today!!!! Thank you so much, Beth Green!! Right after we talked I got a message saying I had a package in our offices here in Mexico!! When I opened it, I was in tears & there were lots of oohs & awes!! I pray huge blessings on you & your family!!
Totally teared up at this! I love it when actors give back to their fans. Good for you Princess Anna, aka Kristen Bell!
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If I kiss this #frog will he turn into my #prince? #musingsofapreschoolteacher #preschoolteacherlife #missionarylife #hoping #wishfulthinking #waitingpatiently #tryingtoatleast #extrememeasures #singleproblems #YWAM #youngwomenaftermen #orfrogs
If I kiss this #frog will he turn into my #prince? #musingsofapreschoolteacher #preschoolteacherlife #missionarylife #hoping #wishfulthinking #waitingpatiently #tryingtoatleast #extrememeasures #singleproblems #YWAM #youngwomenaftermen #orfrogs
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Thursday, July 23, 2015
Yes please!! #bacon #guacamole #perfection #yumo
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Praying for those in Lafayette, Louisiana.
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I have really talented friends who use their gifts for the glory of the Lord!! So proud of Darrin Jarvis & Refuel Ministries!!!
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I need a new pen!! So beautiful, I love typography.
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Finally, someone understands me!!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
I'm sending out some postcards. If you'd like one, msg me your mailing addresses! #penpals #missionarylife
Back to School is just around the corner. I know that for some of you this brings mixed feelings. You are excited that the kids are going back to school but sad at all the preparations that this brings. Many of you are already getting those lists of school supplies needed for your kids. The good news is most of the stuff on your list is at very low prices (compared to the rest of the year, YAY SALES). While you are out, consider picking up an extra pack & donate them to our missionary preschool. With the exception of construction that was very generously donated recently, we are in need of the things on this list. Please consider supporting global missions in a very tangible way. Our students would be greatly appreciative. You can send supplies to: Little Builders Preschool & Foundation School C/O Sheril Brasher, Director 100 West 35th Street, Suite R National City, CA 919150
Shirley, it does exist!!! Haha!!
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I really can't stand when I'm in the middle of reading an article on facebook app on my phone & I have to leave it for some reason (phone call, urgent text, etc) only to return to my facebook refreshing completely! Now I have now clue where I first saw the article!!! Ugh!!!! #firstworldproblems #thestruggleisreal #annoyed #rantover
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Christine, everything ok with you & David? HEHE!! Caroline, Cliff, Tiffany, Nathan Crissa - you guys will enjoy this as well!! love you all!!
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Don't miss out! Join us for an Essential Oils 101 class this Saturday from the comfort of your own home. This will be an online class with opportunities to win free oils. Check your Facebook events page & if you don't have an invite, let me know! Ps, if you can't join us during the live event, the info will be available through Wednesday. Just click GOING & check back to the event page when you can.
Monday, July 20, 2015
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Sunday, July 19, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
Pretty cool of a meteorite & the Milky Way! #spacestuff #spaceunit #space #YWAM #ywamsdb #ywamsdm #ywampreschool #preschoolteacherlife #missionarylife
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Katie, did Mary get you the stuff to make this? Ps, we have giant marshmallows in the preschool!
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Tamara, remember when we made these for your wedding?!?
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Rayel, another crescent roll #recipe! #yumo
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Friday, July 17, 2015
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon requested stories using the hashtag #MyDumbInjury in honor of Jimmy's recent ring avulsion injury (don't google that, it's disgusting! Seriously, don't). Here is my dumb injury: In middle school, I went upstairs to the kitchen for a late-night snack (which was a BIG NO-NO) and saw the blade for our meat slicer on the floor outside of the cupboard. I put it back and made my snack. As I was heading back down to my room I decided that I should put the slicer blade back on the floor where it was so no one would know I was in the kitchen. As I was leaving again, I managed to step directly on the blade and slice my foot to the bone. Instead of calling out for my parents and getting in trouble (for, you know, a midnight snack) I wrapped my foot in a towel and headed to the bathroom, cleaned myself up, bandaged it and went to bed! It's a miracle I didn't need stitches! #MyDumbInjury What's yours?
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#fridayfunny just for you! You are welcome!
"#Missionaries are forever caught between two worlds. They can no longer completely identify with the people whom they left behind in the home country. But they can never truly identify with the people in their host country." #missionarylife #ywamers #missions #YWAM #ywamsdb #truth #homeiswheretheheartis #myheartisinheaven #temporaryhome
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I literally ordered this for the preschool yesterday morning at 11:00 am & it arrived from Kentucky this morning at 11:15 am in our offices and here in Mexico by 2:00 pm!! #greatcustomersevice #fastdelivery #amazonprime
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Now this is the kind of race I can get behind! Right, Catherine??
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
This is an awesome idea!!!
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At the recommendation of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, I watched the movie, The DUFF. It was very Mean Girls meets She's All That. Very reminiscent of those teen flicks from the late 90's (ie 10 Things I Hate About You, Never Been Kissed, Clueless, Drive Me Crazy, etc) so I really enjoyed it.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
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more details of the new high school!! #myalmamater #THS #gowarriors #itsgreattobeawarrior #alabaster #alabama #myhighschool #warriors
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I vividly remember one year (not sure if it was new years or 4th of july) shooting off fireworks with my cousins in Indiana. We were on the street and one of my favorite things, mainly cause we got to light them, were these little things called Cobra Black Snakes. We were all really young. This video totally reminded me of those!! (PS, I posted a pic & video of the ones we shot off in the comments). Judi Selvage, Alisha Brasher Allen, Jim Selvage, Jeremy Selvage, Joni Martin Garrison, Kirsten Peterson Martin, Stephen Martin, Bo Brasher, Patsy Selvage Brasher, Linda Selvage Martin, Michelle Hollingsworth, Nicole Hollingsworth, Kristina Shaneyfelt
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I love 4-Him!!!!
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Monday, July 13, 2015
I feel so loved!!! My dad & stepmom (Sandrea Brasher) sent me an incredible care package, 2 boxes worth!!! Thank you guys so much!!! I immediately tore into the mini cow tails & the beef jerky! Haha! Seriously, thank you so much!! #missionarylife #justlikecollege #carepackages #ilovemail #sendmesomething
Kirsty Hill de Carrasco, please tell this place exists & that you've been there!!!
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My high school is getting a face-lift, ok more like an update! So exciting!! #gowarriors #itsgreattobeawarrior #warriors #THS #alabaster #alabama
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If you need your house or business painted & live in the Birmingham area, please check out Darrell Garrett!! He's amazing & does a very professional job!! Check out his info below!! If you do call, tell him, his favorite missionary sent your!
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Saturday, July 11, 2015
I'm giving away a FREE 5ml Young Living Essential Oil, GRAPEFRUIT!! If you are interested, check your EVENT invites!! Details are in the EVITE!! If you don't have an invitation from me, comment below!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Shawna & Berkeley, saw these today & it made me miss you guys!!! Love you both!!! Hope you are resting up!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Loving the headline on this article. Isn't that what an autopsy is supposed to do?
I love when musicians, actors and those in the public eye look outside of themselves and see the world around them; when they lay down their agenda and give back to their fans. It is in those times that they become more "real" to me; more "human". They can see & realize that it is because of their fans that they even have a job. Thank you, Bruno Mars, for making this girl's day/year and for showing that you are classy, respectable, and an all around nice guy.
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Our speaker, Tim Wimberly, was sharing a story last night during our community night celebration. He had gone to a conference and the speaker said it doesn't matter how much money you put in the offering but for some, you need to get in the offering!! (We need to offer ourselves not just our money!) He challenged us to think about this question: what does it mean for YOU to lose your life for Christ? | Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (Matthew 16:24-25 ESV) | So, my challenge is the same. What does it mean for YOU to lose your life (yourself, selfish desires, hopes, dreams, family, community, church, job, comfortability, etc) for the sake of following Jesus Christ in obedience? I'd love to pray with you about it! #WORD #TRUTH #missionarylife #missions #ywamsdb #ywamsdm
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015
This is Femi & Juliet Olawale and their kids, Tolu & David. Tolu & David were part of our preschool for the last 2 years. Their family are getting ready to move back to Nigeria to start a YWAM base & preschool. Femi & fam need $5,000 to finish purchasing their airfare and Because of Femi's visa issues they need to travel through 3 continents just to get home. Please pray about giving toward their ministry. Ask the Lord if you should participate & if so, how much. Don't ask your wallet, it will always say NO!!! If you can give, please give your tax-deductible donation online at & choose staff support & note it is for Femi & Juliet Olawale.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
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Monday, July 6, 2015
I'm giving away a 5ml bottle of Young Living #Grapefruit Essential Oil. Want to be entered to win? Comment below your interest & I'll msg you the details.
I've actually tried some of this stuff thanks to living in a very international community (Thanks Tym Kemp & Fam). That being said, my favorites are the Monster Munch. Anybody want to send me some??
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Saturday, July 4, 2015
While most of my American friends have spent the day at parades, at the pool, preparing for a & eating amazing BBQ, and getting ready for some incredible fireworks display in their front yard or downtown, I have had the privilege of spending my #IndependenceDay capturing moments and memories for a group of American families who decided to celebrate their #4thofJuly building a home for a family in need here in Tijuana through YWAM San Diego/Baja - Homes of Hope Baja (HOH), a ministry of YWAM San Diego/Baja Newsfeed. I am so very blessed to be a part of this transformational community! #freedom #ywam #ywamsdb #ywamsdm #hoh #homesofhope #letfreedomring #internationalcelebrations
Friday, July 3, 2015
Now that summer is upon us, make sure that you are prepared for whatever life throws you. Whether you are headed to the beach, the pool, the ball field, camping or traveling the world, there is a Young Living essential oil that can help support your wellness as you experience all that God has for you this summer. Ask me how you can get started supporting your wellness today! What are you waiting for? #fourthofjuly #4ofjuly #independanceday #america #merica #premiumstarterkit #youngliving #essentialoils #yleo #yl #eo #usa #summer #beach #camping #travel
You are a genius! Your IQ range is 170 - 185!!! Only 0.1% of the population get this score. You have a passion for perfection, you like to challenge yourself, and you appreciate diversity. You are committed to personal aesthetics, excel in finding problems and solutions, and have a driving force to create. You have boundless imagination and an open mind. In simple words: You Are Simply A Genius! Famous people who got similar scores are such geniuses as Quentin Tarantino and James Woods.
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Thursday, July 2, 2015
The Pioneer Woman - Ree Drummond - since you like your mixer & your dogs!
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015
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