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Saturday, May 30, 2015
#firstbirthday #BlakeFinnegan #sockmonkey #birthdaycake #yumo #weewamer
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What? I'm just eatin some #birthdaycake on my burfday! #weewamer #sockmonkey #firstbirthday #BlakeFinnegan #yumo
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Yay, I'm surrounded by #birthdaypresents! #BlakeFinnegan #firstbirthday #sockmonkey #weewamer
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Want some? It tastes yummy!! #firstbirthday #BlakeFinnegan #birthdaycake #weewamer #sockmonkey #yumo
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Happy 1st Birthday #BlakeFinnegan! #faceplant #birthdaycake #yumo #weewamer #firstbirthday #sockmonkey
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Friday, May 29, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
Happy #MemorialDay! Thank you to all the men and women who have fought & those who continue to fight for our freedoms! Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13 ESV) While Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice for our eternal lives, so many have given their lives for me to be able to post this, worship Jesus openly, serve Him in the mission field daily, and share His love with everyone I meet! #thankyou will never be enough!
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Sunday, May 24, 2015
The calm after the storm! Everyone has gone to bed, the rest will leave for home tomorrow but God still has plans for His people here. Tomorrow begins another week serving Him, being His hands & feet. But for now, we rejoice in the 5,165 families that are sleeping under a roof, on a clean floor with a locking door. We really are just getting started!! #hoh25 #YWAM #ywamsdb #25thanniversary
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I may be a bit jealous of all the Ensenada people who got their pic taken with Loren Cunningham. In the last 8 years, Loren and Darlene Cunningham (founders of YWAM) have visited our campuses probably at least 10 times and today, for the first time in those 8 years, I was able to listen to the majority of Loren's message. I still have yet to get a pic with either of them though. SAD DAY!! #missionarylife #alwaysworking #stillworking #byworkImeanserve
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
My very first house build in 2006. This was with a group called Kids Korp and was built during my DTS (Discipleship Training School). I was able to go out with my fellow students, Jaime Weakley, Marieke van Hoogdalem, & Nuria Ferrer Gomez as well as Neil Grosso and Jared. My main job was painting, oh how I despise painting. Throughout the last 8 years, I've had the privilege of capturing moments on over 100 different houses, this as a result of my making a deal with the program director at the time, Malcolm Taylor, to make montages if I didn't have to ever paint again. While my opportunities now are fewer & farther between, I still enjoy going out & capturing those moments. I praise God for the opportunity to be just a tiny, insignificant part of this incredible ministry called Homes of Hope! Congratulations, Sean & Janet Lambert and YWAM San Diego/Baja - Homes of Hope Baja (HOH) for the past 25 year. It's just the beginning!! Here's to the next 25, hopefully I'll be around for those! #hoh25 #ywam #ywamsdb #ywamens #ywamsdm #homesofhope #25thAnniversary

If you have been on a housebuild or you have previously been on full-time staff with YWAM San Diego/Baja, please take a pic with a HOH shirt, mug, hat, bag, etc and send us your well wishes and congratulations and help us celebrate 25 years. Tag the photo #hoh25 and share it here on our wall or include YWAM San Diego/Baja - Homes of Hope Baja (HOH)! It may get featured on our page! #hoh25 #homesofhope #ywam #ywamsdb #ywamsdm #ywamens #hoh #25thanniversary
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Friday, May 22, 2015
Just one of the 25 teams building houses for families in need here in Mexico this weekend! 25 houses in 2 days! #hoh25 #ywamsdb #25thanniversary
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Thursday, May 21, 2015
All the hard work, the years of planning, the months of preparing, all starts tomorrow. Ready or not, here they come! Join us in prayer as we welcome friends, families and guests to our YWAM San Diego/Baja campuses to build 25 homes for families in the local communities in honor of our 25th Anniversary of Homes of Hope. With over 100,000 volunteers, our full-time missionaries have built over 5,000 homes in over 19 nations around the world. This is just the beginning!! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Prayer points: 1. GOD'S GLORY WOULD BE REVEALED! 2. NO INJURIES 3. NO SICKNESS 4. HEALING for some of our staff 5. NO RAIN!! * personal prayer request - I've pulled a muscle in my neck and it is painful, please pray for complete healing!!! Ain't nobody got time for that! #homesofhope #ywamsdb #ywam #ywamens #ywamsdm #hoh #25thanniversary #prayersneeded
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We are gearing up to celebrate BIG this weekend. We will be building 25 houses in just 2 days to celebrate and bring Glory to God for all that He has done in the last 25 years through our ministry, YWAM San Diego/Baja - Homes of Hope Baja (HOH). Here is just one of the many articles that have been written up and highlight what all this weekend means to us & to Mexico!

Happy Birthday to this guy, my baby brother! It's the big 3-0! You are officially an old man. While I don't remember much about your childhood other than dressing you up & playing with you as if you were a doll & giving you your new name because mom watched too much days of our lives, I do know that we are kindred spirits. We share DNA, a love for all things superhero, entertainment, insults & witty banter. You are probably one of the only people I can have a "heated" disagreement/debate with and move on as if nothing transpired. Many people, ok, really just mom, say that we are twins born 7 years apart & I'm totally cool with that! You are an incredibly gifted young "old" man with so much potential for greatness! You are literally a genius (seriously folks, crazy high iq) but also a lover of random facts. I am very proud to call you my baby bro & be your big sis! I haven't always earned the title with honor & respect but I continue to strive to be a better sister for you! I love you & wish I could be there to celebrate with you (mainly cause mom would be paying & I haven't seen the new avengers movie yet, or the new pitch perfect one)! Love you! Bo, Alisha, Patsy, Sandrea
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
God's perfect plan realized through childbirth! For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:13-16 ESV)
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
Some of my missionary friends in Vancouver, Canada had their home broken into & laptops, tablets, cameras, etc were stolen. These items are necessary for their missions work. They did not have renters insurance so it won't be replaced. Please consider supporting them by donating towards their recovery fund.
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Saturday, May 16, 2015
If you would like to support Little Builders Preschool & Foundation School , a ministry of YWAM San Diego/Baja, in a tangible way, please consider purchasing something from our Amazon Wish List. You can have things shipped directly to us. We are adding things everyday so there should be something in every price range.
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Friday, May 15, 2015
Teacher friends: As you are coming to the end of another school year, getting ready to sort, throw away, pack up your classrooms, please consider donating any school supplies, teacher resources or old curriculum to our missions organization! We are always in need of these things. Any grade level is acceptable as even though we currently only run a preschool we are in the planning stages of starting an international, bilingual k-12 school! Any donations can be sent to: Sheril Brasher, Tijuana C/O YWAM San Diego/Baja 100 West 35th Street, Suite R National City, CA 91950 Not a teacher? We can still use basic supplies like markers, crayons, stickers, construction paper, scissors, paint, dot markers, craft sets, etc! PS, can't afford to send supplies? Write me a letter!!
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
"271 friends posted on your timeline for your birthday." WOW!! I feel so very loved!! Thank you all for the very kind words and birthday wishes! Today, for the most part, was a normal Tuesday (as so many of my special days end up being on the missions field) but I love normal days! It did, however, end with a special birthday dinner & celebration with some really great friends! (Thanks Once Upon a Time for having the season finale so close to my birthday)! I believe it has been 7 years since my last birthday party so thank you Lindsay, Rebecca, Bonni, Rachel, Mandi, & Shawna for the delicious dinner & celebrating with me! You guys are AMAZING!!
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#Autism moms, I need some suggestions for some stimulating toys for a young boy almost 2 years old that was just diagnosed with autism. He is on the lower end of the spectrum (closer to Aspberger's). Hoping for something that can be used for several years as he lives in Brazil! Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!!
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Monday, May 11, 2015
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mommy! She is a rock, the most creative & talented person I know. She is selfless and always doing for everyone else! My prayer for her is that she would be spoiled beyond her imagination by her Creator, Savior & Father today & for the rest of this year! I pray that He will reveal Himself to her in a way that is so very special that there would be NO DOUBT it is from Him. I love you mom & wish I could be there to celebrate you today! Much love from Mexico & your favorite child, you know, the one who made you a mom (we won't say how many years ago that was, no one would believe us anyways)!! Patsy Selvage Brasher
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Saturday, May 9, 2015
Sweet snuggles with this cutie all through dinner at last night's wedding! #israeldavid #kempweddingmx2015 #babysnuggles #weewamer #auntielife
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Thursday, May 7, 2015
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
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