Monday, August 31, 2015
Remember my friend that I asked you guys relentlessly to vote for earlier this year & then she won $10,000?!? Well she was on TV this morning & is getting ready for her fall tour! You helped make that happen! Check out her single, Just Don't Have The Time, and download her ep on iTunes today. #ihavetalentedfriends #youthgroupkids #metrocog #soproud
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Saturday, August 29, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Listening to THE CALL (the cd we recorded) and reminiscing on my last long road trip in California, 15 years ago with my youth group! Can't believe it's been 15 years since we recorded that cd & since that trip! Seems just like yesterday! #goodoledays #memories #youthgroup #bestchildhoodever
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Saturday, August 22, 2015
Oh the dreaded Ask!!! Growing up in the south of the United States I was taught that you take care of yourself & don't ask for handouts. It's mainly a pride issue of course! We don't want people to know that we can't take care of our needs, that we NEED help. There is a stigma, sadly, that goes with people needing assistance. Because of this, myself and many missionaries that I know have a hard time asking others to partner with us because of this pride & stigma! As a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) San Diego/Baja, I raise all of my own support. I don't receive a traditional paycheck. I rely on faith, the obedience of others and trust in God to meet my every need and sometimes wants. And while I believe the Lord has led me to essential oils as part of His provision, a huge portion of that support is through friends and family. While I never want to sound like the toddler that continues to ask for something until you give in, I always want to be led by the Holy Spirit while inviting others to be a part of the bigger picture, what God is doing around the world. Please take the time to read this article and find out why we as missionaries ask, why it is necessary and why, even though it is hard to do, I will never stop asking! #MissionaryLife #ywam #ywamsdb #ywamsdm
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Friday, August 21, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Guys, head on over & LIKE my friend's new retail store, Shop 28th. Shop 28th is a missionary resource brand. Their goal is to adopt world wide missionaries and faith-based organizations to raise resources that will fund the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So very proud of Jeff Leonard!!
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Happy birthday to this guy, my dad!! The big 6-0!! Wow! Over the last 8, almost 9 years, that I've been in full/time missions, my dad has been one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders. I was terrified when I met him for birthday dinner to tell him I was quitting my "real" job to move to Mexico. My dad has always been a business man looking out to provide for his family and I was so sure he was going to talk me out of going especially since I finally had a "steady paycheck" and insurance. But instead, he looked at me and said that if that is where God was leading then I needed to go! From that moment on, he & my stepmom have been some of the hands that God has used to meet my physical, emotional & financial needs. Thank you daddy, for being obedient, for letting me go, & for being there for me!! Our relationship hasn't always been the greatest but I'm so glad that God restores and gives back "the years the locusts have taken". I love you! I wish I could be there to celebrate you but I'll eat a taco on your behalf!
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
Growing up in a pentecostal denomination, I saw this kind of thing all the time, not by my own pastors but at conferences or special conventions that we'd attend. It has always disgusted me. While I agree with the idea that we can be healed through faith, and that sometimes God asks us to give out of our need, I do NOT agree that we should give all our $ to televagelists simply to receive a blessing or to be healed. Or the idea that this is the ONLY way God works! This is the same as saying that if you don't share this Jesus meme you don't love Him. We should be led by the Holy Spirit and should always question those prompts against scripture. If something doesn't feel right, it isn't! I remember being at a conference one time. The speaker's message was awesome so we went again the next night. Sadly, the next night the entire message was about seed offerings and that if you wanted to receive a blessing you had to give big. I shook my head because that is so not biblical but then I heard a lady behind me telling her husband to get the checkbook and write it out for everything they had! It made me sick to my stomach as I watched people all around me doing the same thing. I said something to a few of them but ended up leaving because I couldn't watch it any longer. Zero respect for people like that and it makes it hard for missionaries like myself to raise legitimate relationship-based support because for some, it comes across like this!
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Sunday, August 16, 2015
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm Had so much fun hanging this cutie on the field, watching her play with all her "friends", "her" dog, and being so sad about the sun going down! Seriously such a sweet girl! Just one of the many that I get to teach every week! #ilovemyjob #weewamer #ywampreschool #ywamsdb #ywamsdb #YWAM #ywamsdm
Hmm! Coffee, it's what's for breakfast! #almostawake #frenchpress #coffee
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Spending the day in San Diego with this beautiful woman! She has been a God-send for our preschool toddlers! She will definitely be missed when she leaves us. Praying for her next step with the School of Ministry Development in Denver and hoping God will bring her back to us soon!!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Craig, I think you left something at the TJ campus!! @craig_mcclurg #bedazzled #sparkly #allaboutthatbling #bling
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For those waiting for an after pic, your wait is over! #every2years #longshortrepeat #doublechin #shorthairdontcare
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Monday, August 10, 2015
Don't forget: Back to School is just around the corner. I know that for some of you this brings mixed feelings. You are excited that the kids are going back to school but sad at all the preparations that this brings. Many of you are already getting those lists of school supplies needed for your kids. The good news is most of the stuff on your list is at very low prices (compared to the rest of the year, YAY SALES). While you are out, consider picking up an extra pack & donate them to our missionary preschool. With the exception of construction that was very generously donated recently, we are in need of the things on this list. Please consider supporting global missions in a very tangible way. Our students would be greatly appreciative. You can send supplies to: Little Builders Preschool & Foundation School C/O Sheril Brasher, Director 100 West 35th Street, Suite R National City, CA 919150 PS, we are also accepting any homeschool curriculum that you no longer need to be used by some of our missionary families! Msg me for details!
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Sunday, August 9, 2015
Not a lot has changed in the last 9 years, right? #missions #YWAM #weewamers
If anyone has an iPhone 4s or higher with storage larger than 6GB and is compatible with AT&T, please consider donating it to this missionary preschool director looking for more space to take pictures and add apps to help better communicate with my supporters. If this is you, msg me for details. #myphoneisfullofuselessapps #thaticantdelete #firstworldproblems #needmorespace
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Saturday, August 8, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
70 families joined us last weekend to hear about all the God is doing through YWAM San Diego/Baja and to pray about partnering with us to see His Vision fulfilled for Mexico & the world! Would you pray along side them as to what your part may be? Maybe He is calling you to come for a short-term trip. Maybe He is calling you into full-time ministry. Maybe He is calling you to give financially. Maybe He is asking you to partner with a missionary or support us in prayer! Whatever He is asking, will you say YES? For more information, comment below or send me a msg. Visit my site to see what I'm learning on this journey with Him!
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
We are working on our next steps for support raising and communication with our ministry partners. Question: What are some things that YOU would want to hear about from missionaries that you support? How often would you like communication & in what form? #missionarylife #ywamsdb #ywam #supportraising #communication
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Saturday, August 1, 2015
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